JGC 2012
The JGC2012 System was developed to prevent galvanic corrosion between carbon steel and Corrosion Resistant Alloy (CRA) tubulars. It was originally intended for a single transition zone. Circumstances such as alternating zones of neutral and corrosive fluids or providing for future completion zones uphole created the need for multiple transitions in a single well.
An example of such a multiple section completion is illustrated in the drawing on the opposite page. This system was designed for use in a south Louisiana well. The owners wanted the option of injecting into two permitted intervals above the original zone. This could be accomplished by sealing the lower section of the well and moving the injection interval to a higher zone in the well. The expense of installing CRA tubulars for the entire length of all injection zones as well as the non-injection zones was not an economical option.
The JGC2012 System is an economical solution. In the illustration, a separate system is utilized for each transition between dissimilar metals. The quantity of CRA tubulars in the casing string can be reduced by more than 75%. The multiple completion illustration has a total of six casing sections, creating five transitions between carbon and CRA. Each transition has one JGC2012 System consisting of a carbon sub and a coated CRA. The design requires an exaluation of eleven individual components to maximize safety and economics. John Gandy Corporation can perform these evaluations with a proprietary string design and it’s licensed Socrates® alloy selection programs.
Socrates is a registered trade mark of CLI International, Inc